New Proposals for New Worlds

Capa_Coverpage_PROPOSTAS novas para novos mundos

A powerful publication, with texts and images of enormous quality, variety of styles and relevance of content, that will go down in History as an important reflection document

New Proposals for New Worlds (Propostas Novas para Novos Mundos) is a collective project of literary intervention that emerged during the pandemic in the first months of 2020, made up of several people who went through frightening, distressing and profoundly uncertain times in the face of the adversities of Covid-19.

The e-book resulting from the respective proposals, coming from authors from several continents, is available to the general public through a free download.

Participate in this collection Alejandra Coz Rosenfeld, Ana Cláudia Henriques, Andréia Azevedo Moreira, Carlos Nuno Granja, Carlos Seabra, Dennis de Oliveira, Eliane Testa, Fiamma Viola, Franco Barbato, Gian Luca Masciangelo, Graziela Andrade, João Morales, Julie-Cerise Gay, Marcia Langfeldt, Marcos Silva, Melina Sarnaglia, Mirian Ringel, Paulo Branco Lima, Peilin Yu, Pilar Colás, Pires Laranjeira, Rômulo Garcias, Virna Teixeira and Wagner Merije.

They are thinkers and thinkers from countries like Brazil, Chile, China, Ecuador, France, England, Israel, Italy, Norway and Portugal, active in various areas of knowledge and society, engaged in various projects and initiatives.

Among the themes addressed are the lack of clarity regarding the directions of society, affection, motherhood, family, education, art, justice and injustice, racism, violence, economy, ecology and much more.

In summary, this electronic book tries to form clues for reflection on the most pertinent questions of the current situation: In what do we believe? How do we act? What can we do that we have not done?

According to Wagner Merije, organizer and editorial coordinator of the initiative, “all we had ahead was uncertainty. In fact, more than ever, we now have one certainty: that nature is brutal and can promote our extinction with ease. Deep down, we are all fragile individuals. Without a particular organization and high instinct for justice and solidarity, many lives will be lost. At the same time, we are plural beings, the universe (multiverse) is composed of many lives, and only mutual respect will allow the communion of these lives on Planet Earth”.

In the 212 pages the power of the publication is manifested in various texts, such as essays, scientific articles, chronicles, short stories, poems, as well as photographs, collages, illustrations, visual and plastic arts.

In the words of Paulo Branco Lima, writer and associate editor of the project, “many of us went through the period of confinement to observe and reflect on the world and life. Standing at home for days and days (who could, at last), we lost track of time and began to measure the value of friendships, of companies, of simplicity, instead of counting how many clothes or shoes, how many cars or privileges money can buy – things and possessions that, in certain situations, lose their meaning”.

As a document of this time, it is a work with depth and seriousness to serve as a reflection for posterity, whatever it may be.

Here is an invitation to read these pages and share these visions of lives and worlds; here are some points of view in search of more collective looks.

Sharing knowledge

As everyone knows, the various cultural agents are working to ensure that their audiences, who have experienced periods of isolation and are still under stress, are not deprived of access and contact with the knowledge and practice of the arts. We are interested that reflection is an instrument for the necessary changes.

Aware of this, Aquarela Brasileira Books and the authors of New Proposals for New Worlds (Propostas novas para novos mundos) offer a free download here: Propostas novas para novos mundos_Final

Help spread this project among your friends and network. Share it! Let the knowledge circulate freely and accessible for everyone.


Title: Propostas novas para novos mundos (New proposals for new worlds)
Authors: 24
Publisher: Aquarela Brasileira Livros
Number of pages: 212
ISBN: 978-65-86867-05-3


Aquarela Brasileira Livros

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