Arquivo da tag: talk

Peace Experience Day (InnerVoices)

Celebramos a paz

Peace Experience Day_Coimbra_cartaz

“O objectivo do evento é explorar as possibilidades de felicidade para uma melhor comunicação e expressão artística e sensorial, beneficiar a saúde, melhorar os conhecimentos e proporcionar novas experiências para a nossa comunidade.

Os participantes são convidados a trabalhar a sensibilidade e o auto-desenvolvimento para a cura e a expansão pessoal e do multiverso. As práticas e partilhas diversas dirigidas à mente, ao corpo e a alma, unem ludicidade, conhecimento, arte, movimento e terapia.”

14.45 – Acolhimento
15:00h – 15.45 – Yoga para Famílias (crianças e adultos)

16h – 16.30 – A importância da música na saúde e bem estar @wagnermerije

16.45h – 17:30h – Corpo e movimento – @direitofabio

17:45 – 18:45 – Dj suprasensorial plays `Love Spiritual Ecstatic Dance Music´ – Radio Suprasensorial

19.00h – Roda de abraços, paz, amor e abundância

no-at @yogandharmony

Evento no âmbito da XXVI Semana Cultural da Universidade de Coimbra

lugares limitados, reservas obrigatórias

Uma realização Peace Shaanti Zen




This conference (talk) is the result of years and years of involvement with music in all its spheres. The author combines his research with that of other scholars on the subject in an attempt to expand the boundaries of what is known about the various phenomena associated with the magical chain of notes and chords that produce sound and music.

Topics covered include studies on the exposure of babies and children to sound and music from a young age; how access to musical education can contribute to improving learning; music as therapy; music and sounds as part of rituals; reactions to sound, which can vary from individual to individual and from collectives to collectives; how music can be better appreciated in the various moments and places where it appears; the sensations that major or minor chords can generate for different listeners; the various genres and rhythms of music, among other subjects.

The power of music is to offer playful and relaxing moments for the whole family, for all ages, in addition to stimulating body movement and connection with the mind and soul. All of this emanates harmony, peace, love, relaxation, playfulness. Science is proving that music is good for the health and well-being of listeners and helps with emotional, physical and psychological development. When we are exposed to good music we feel more alive, more creative, allowing us to take new flights.

Put on your HeartPhone and come along and listen to the sounds and music that the multiverse presents to us.


Wagner Merije is a writer, lecturer, journalist, educator, editor, musician and multimedia creator. His heterodox training has led him to present works and creations in different countries, in different spaces of knowledge. He develops investigations in the fields of literature, music, audio and image, communication and technology, and how these languages and technological tools can contribute to the emancipation of students and educators. He has created projects for schools, universities, companies, international government bodies, NGOs, galleries, festivals, fairs and conferences, always seeking to unite languages and participants. He has already been honored with different awards. He leads several initiatives to promote culture, innovation and entrepreneurship in Brazil, Portugal and other countries.
Peace Shaanti Zen 
